Hope Week 2024

Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus in Your Community

Transform Lives, Spread Hope

What is Hope Week?

Hope Week is a powerful initiative designed to mobilize your church to fulfill the Matthew 25 mandate by serving those in need within your community. Scheduled for November 2024, Hope Week is flexible and can be tailored to fit your church calendar. This week-long commitment to service is preceded by a dynamic Sermon Series called Living Hope, which can be customized to run from one to five weeks.

Living Hope Sermon Series

Prepare your congregation for a week of impactful service with our Living Hope Sermon Series.
This package includes everything you need:

Customizable sermon manuscripts

(one to six weeks)

High-quality graphics

Engaging bumper videos

And much more!

Hope Week In a Box

To make Hope Week as seamless as possible, we provide a comprehensive Hope Week in a Box. This resource includes all the serving components needed to complement your unique community outreach projects.

How Does It Work?

1. Sign Up

Register your church to participate in Hope Week and receive our free resources.

2. Plan and Customize

Work with our Care Center Team to plan an incredible week of service, including activities with Carolina Care Center and other local organizations.

3. Engage and Serve

Execute your planned activities, making a tangible impact in your community and fulfilling the Matthew 25 mandate to feed, clothe, invite, heal, and visit those in need.

Why November?

November provides an ideal backdrop for Hope Week, aligning with the season of thanksgiving and a spirit of gratitude. It’s a time when many in the community need extra support, making your efforts even more impactful.

Get Involved

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform lives and spread hope. Join us in November 2024 for Hope Week and equip your church to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your community.

Need Additional Assistance?

For more information or assistance, please reach out to our Care Center Team. We’re here to support you every step of the way.