Storygroup Fall 2024

@ Point Church

What’s your story? Have you ever thought about it?

Our stories shape and influence every dimension of our daily life and relationships. This includes the way we see God and how much (or how little) we accept His love. Knowing the impact of our stories and finding God’s redemptive work within them is vital for emotional, relational, and spiritual health.

StoryGroup is designed to help you explore how the pain–and goodness–in your life has shaped you, and to begin to break through some of the coping strategies you’ve built that don’t serve you. This journey opens the door to transforming your future so you can fulfill your purpose. It is an invitation to truth-telling, healing lament, deep soulfulness, and lasting change.

StoryGroup will equip you to:

  • Recall past experiences and find the meaning God has written there.
  • Understand how individual events fit into the bigger themes of your life.
  • Write down your stories in a way that reflects God’s authorship of your life.
  • Identify the passions that drive you, and see how God uses them to guide you into the future.
  • Tell your story in a way that brings glory to God and reveals him to others.

Partner with the our Counseling Ministry and bring Story Groups to your church

Fall Schedule @ Point Church

The StoryGroup fall 2024 session is free of cost and consists of a two-part schedule: A Saturday morning workshop (9/14) followed by eight weekly Tuesday night meetings beginning 9/24.

Intro to StoryGroup Workshop

Saturday, September 14, 2024
9:00-11:30 AM
at Point Church, 1503 Walnut Street, Cary, NC 27511
Continental breakfast provided
Childcare provided upon request

The Intro to StoryGroup Workshop provides a broad overview of story work–why it is valuable, how it is done, you’ll hear an example of a story, have an opportunity to ask questions, and get a chance to practice it in a safe environment at the workshop. We ask all registrants of the class (weekly meetings) to attend the Saturday workshop first, if possible, in order to provide a strong grounding of story work. If you feel you need the workshop in order to commit to the weekly meetings, that’s okay, too. Please discuss this with us if this is the case.

Fall StoryGroup Meetings

Tuesday nights, September 24-November 12
7:00-9:00 PM
at a home in Cary, NC 27513
Childcare provided upon request

The eight weekly meetings are the “meat” of the StoryGroup experience. You will be given prompts and guidance to write three specific stories from your life. In a small group setting with no more than six participants plus a trained facilitator, you will read your story aloud and invite reflection and feedback. Teachings and experience will guide all participants in how to engage their own story, as well as provide helpful engagement of others’ stories. At the end of the session, we will have a time of reflection and examination of “threads” across all stories you wrote, as well as a time of fellowship and celebration with your small group.